After what can only be described as a very early spring, we are entering the unusual situation of worrying about fire blight in April. Summer-like weather, rainfall, thunderstorms and hail mean that growers should be very concerned about fire blight. It is important to note that the fire blight pathogen, Erwinia amylovora, is always present[Read More…]
Spring temperatures and the season so far It seems like it’s been warm and that we’re way ahead of normal. But the data paint a slightly different picture. First, let’s not talk too much about “normal”. In the last 10 years or so that I’ve been plotting these data, EVERY year has been warmer than[Read More…]
Warm temperatures over the last week or so have accelerated growth rapidly. In Lafayette, apples are nearing green tip, and strawberries at full bloom. Blackberries are pushing half-inch green. Further south in the state, temperatures are in the mid 70’s, apricots are in full bloom and peaches not quite at pink (thanks to Applacres for[Read More…]
Due to the COVID crisis, most Purdue Extension meetings will be held virtually. Most Purdue Extension staff are working from home and are available to answer your questions by email, phone or through social media. Our contact information is at the end of the newsletter. September 10-12, 2020 Purdue Extension Master Gardener State Conference Sponsored[Read More…]
Grape harvest continues. Recent rainy weather is making late season fruit rots more problematic on susceptible varieties. Apples are sizing up nicely and mid-season varieties are beginning to ripen. Primocane black and red raspberries are beginning to ripen. Black Magic primocane blackberry harvest is winding down and APF45 harvest is just starting. Pawpaw fruit are[Read More…]
Grapes are being harvested across the state. Yields are pretty low for the early varieties that were hurt worst by the spring freezes. In Lafayette all our varieties are at veraison and harvest is nearing. Apples are sizing nicely where there is fruit. Some of Jules Janick’s selections have full crops, but many varieties have[Read More…]
Due to the COVID crisis, most Purdue Extension meetings will be held virtually. Most Purdue Extension staff are working from home and are available to answer your questions by email, phone or through social media. Our contact information is at the end of the newsletter. September 10-12, 2020 Purdue Extension Master Gardener State Conference Sponsored[Read More…]
If you have small fruits, including cherries, blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, and grapes that are setting fruit and ripening, be on the look out for Spotted Wing Drosophila (SWD) (Figure 1), a small vinegar fly that attacks all the delicious berries mentioned above! If you are a small fruit grower, you’ve likely already heard of SWD,[Read More…]
FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. — Ouachita blackberry, a 2003 thornless variety from the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture, received the Outstanding Fruit Cultivar Award from the Fruit Breeding Professional Interest Group of the American Society of Horticultural Science. The Outstanding Fruit Cultivar Award recognizes noteworthy achievements in fruit breeding and highlights a modern fruit introduction that[Read More…]