Purdue Wine Grape Team’s 2016 Spring Workshop May 4, 2016 9:00am Holtkamp Winery, 10868 Woliung Rd, New Alsace, 47041, Rettig Hill Winery & Vineyard, 2679 E State Road 350 Osgood, IN 47037 Due to limited class size, advance registration and fees are required. Registration fee $50 per person and includes lunch. Make checks payable to:[Read More…]
It was good to see so many growers at the recent Hort. Congress. Over 700 growers attended the Congress and the trade show was again sold out. Our usual program topics were held covering agritourism, farm marketing, fresh vegetables, fruit, organics, processing vegetables, and winegrapes. We are in the process of finalizing the dates and[Read More…]
March is a good time to finish pruning summer-bearing brambles. Last years fruited canes should be removed now if they were not removed last summer or fall. Remove weak or spindly floricanes and thin to 4-6 canes per foot of row. Laterals on blackberries and black and purple raspberries should be trimmed back to about 2/3[Read More…]
The most important spray of the season for control of anthracnose on brambles is the delayed dormant spray of lime sulfur, Sulforix or copper hydroxide. If you have a problem with anthracnose, this is one spray that you can’t afford to miss. One of these materials should be applied when new leaves are exposed 1/4[Read More…]
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